
Eye Flash
24" x 24"
See Ya Later
24" x 36"
Waves and Rays
12" diameter
12" diameter
12" x 14"
Once the Bird Leaves
12" circular
12" x 12" x 5"
"Birth". Of an idea, of a new plan, of a means to an end, of a copper ball.
Stix Cat (Hep Cat Series)
32" x 30"
Bone Cat (Hep Cat Series)
30" x 29"
Horn Cat (Hep Cat Series)
28" x 17"
Half Sun
17" x 9"
Beyond the Mountains of Zen
24" x 21"
S. 1st St. Bridge
25" x 26" x 7"
A Moment in Time
36" x 12" x 10"
23" x 35" x 4"
Seven Summits
$1000 each
Click photo for individual pictures and dimensions.
Queerness of Being
36" x 12" x 12"
Who am I? Who are you? How do the same molecules that form me combine in a different way to form you? Does that make us alike in our differences? Value each, respect all. We are the answer.
24" x 36" x 5"
The Long Summer Day
20" x 12"
A challenge was made and accepted at noon. Bubble wands at the ready, the battle starts soon. My rhino's the best, try him and see. Who do you think you are to challenge me? I'm the princess of this block, need I say more? You will turn tail and run, once you hear my lion's roar. The battle ensued, warriors fought through their play. Until a victor was called, the long summer day.
Wisp Away
20" x 24"
Raven= Loss, prophecy, insight. Wheat= Fertility, bounty, resurrection. Wisp= Small handful, as in hay, straw, wheat, and also means frail or slight, as in a wisp of a girl. She walks in to her future, unsure of what it holds, excited about what it might bring, and confident that the path ahead is meant for her alone to journey, come what may.
Roadrunners, made on request
10" x 9"
$60 each
29" x 18"
The beast on the hunt. Looking, longing, for what may come his way. Waiting to pounce, to spring into action. Ready to seize what's his by nature.
36" x 16"
23" x 24" x 30"
Available to show, not for sale
This piece represents a body in modern form so as to be genderless. It is made up of keys representing abilities we all possess. We are able to unlock these abilities and watch them grow as we foster them. In this piece, they become butterflies and take on a life of their own. The keys come from the collection of my mother. She's always believed in me and encouraged me in my pursuits no matter how crazy. Central to the piece is a skeleton key, which comes from a Texas prison provided by my cousin, a retired corrections officer.
When the Rains Come
20" x 29"
Dream Catcher
12" x 29"
19" x 8" x 5"
8" diameter
24" x 15"
12" x 19"
Beauty Within
16" x 19"
16" x 18"
Live with Love
18" x 8"
Mini Dragonflies
5" x 6"
$40 each
24" diameter

The foundation is a man and woman entwined in relationship. Their bodies are made up of muscle fibers. Coming out the top are a dove, a snake, a crow, and a mongoose. Briefly, from a well known folktale, the serpent eats the eggs of the dove. She consults a crow, who tells her to enlist the help of a mongoose and her problems are solved. These are qualities we all possess. The dove represents nurture, the snake our base desires. The crow is our nature looking for answers, and the mongoose is our boss or utilitarian decision maker, demanding action. We must reconcile these qualities in order to live in harmony both within ourselves as well as with others.
12" x 18"
Through the Looking Glass
25" x 29"
5' diameter
49" x 5"
The symbol for now, the present, is a circle. The present is greater than the past and equal to the future.
Mobius Mambo
33" x 38"
This is a piece created to represent two souls who have decided to become forever intwined. Just as their bodies are a mobius strip with only one side, their relationship is joined together in an unending dance or a forever journey.
15" x 17"
49" x 28"
She is the sun and the moon.
Turtle Tears and Tea
34" x 28"
A symbiotic relationship in nature, butterflies will "drink" the tears of turtles for their salt content. This piece represents a butterfly serving tea to a turtle in exchange for his tears.
25" x 23"
This owl is named Sophia, meaning wisdom.
15" x 16"
30" x 20"
The mythological story of an over confident boy who begs his father, Helios, to give him the reigns of his chariot carrying the sun around the Earth.
Being for Self
20"w x 24"l x 18"h
Being for self is an existentialist concept representing the relationship we have with ourselves. It is how we view ourselves having full knowledge of all our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This piece represents a man gazing into a mirror reflecting on what's inside his own mind.
42" x 58"
12" x 12"
Hound and Hare
26" x 12"
Dog and rabbit teams race around the track to determine who's the fastest.
Circular Vines
Soul Part 1
11" x 10"
This is part 1 because it is one idea of what a spirit, or soul, may look like. It is organic in nature being roughly hourglass shape, like a human body. The outside is bumpy and grey, uneven, while the inside is smoother and shines from an interior personality.
Eve stands for everyone and is cored by the apple. As she reaches to grab the fruit, which is still whole having just been picked from the tree, Eve's body twists and spirals in a fashion one might expect when coring an apple. All of us are tied to the choices we make whether good or bad. We bear that relationship as it defines who we are.
Moon Reflecting Earth
36" x 15"
27" x 16"
One of the first pieces I created, this star represents a sun in its initial stages of development. Its rays stretch in different directions and some are longer than others. Parts of this star are smooth and shiny as other areas are pitted and dark. The sun is just beginning to shine as it finds its place in the universe.
Circle of Life
36" x 15"
This is dream imagery. A woman's dress becomes water as Death floats upstream to meet her.
Being for Others
23"L x 20"H
Being for others is a relational concept defining the relation we have with others. It's how we perceive others and how, in turn, they perceive us. This piece represents that, in using masks sometimes known as comedy and tragedy. We are able to hide behind these masks and project what we want the other to see. The other allows us to do this even going so far as holding the mask up in front of our true selves. This piece balances uneasily on the elbows of the other as this relationship can be fragile and easily knocked down.